Thursday, August 21, 2008

my drawn picture's story

Long time ago there was a boy that never smiled.
he was always serious, he never had fun and he thought that the most important thing in live were success!!
he wanted to be saccessful in everything he did, but he wasn't because none wanted to be with a sad boy....and this made he saddest every day more and more.
a sad day like the other sad days he was going at school when he met a little child.
he had a big smiling face, with two GREEN BIG eyes....
he asked to our boy the biggest question ever:" why do you seems to be so sad???"
our sad boy stopped, looked at the child and answered:" because none want me and also I am not a success!!!!''
the child made a big big smile and than said: "this is the secret of success: start every morning with a smile on your face!!!!"
than he went away.
our boy couldn't believe what was just happened so he continued on his way.

but the next morning something was change: he started his day with a big smile on his usually sad face...=)
when he arrived at school with his new smiling face he discovered that happy people cqan be succesful...!!
everyone loves a smile!!!!

now he is a very successful guy, he always smile and also he laught a lot.=)
he's still glad to the child that showed him the pover of a SMILE =)=)=)=)

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