Wednesday, October 8, 2008

underneath the rubble a key lay

underneath the rubble a key lay. It seems to be very old an heavy: let's go catch it and try to understand what it would open. I took the key with my hand, and then I heard a voice: " It's funny the story about why the key is there"
I look at the key and then asked :" what is that story?"
"A long time ago" -the voice started- "there was, norther to this city, an old caste, where used to live our most important family. They were a noble family, the most rich and powerful of our country.
None could enter in the castle, only them, the family's members. They didn't have friends, no slavery: none that wasn't one of them had ever seen the castle.
The big gold key you are holding was the key of the main door: the father of the family used to have it around his neck, with a small gold chain."
I held the key harder, and waited for the next..
"when they were walking in the city everyone was outside to see them: they were awesome, but they had never invited one form this city to one of the huge parties the used to made o the castle.
the guests used to arrive from far far away,and used to be to the castle for a while, then they used to go away as they arrived: without a reason, without big noises.
the time passed and the people of the village started to be angry with them: they seemed to live in another planet, and never cared about what the village thought of them.
one day a arrived to the village a group of strange people. It was night, and they asked directions for the castle: none wasted time and in few minutes all the village was giving them the right directions to get to the castle. what can do the jealousy.
But they weren;t here for a party. As soon as they arrived to the castle started the biggest fight ever, and all the village had clear why they never invited us to their parties : the were vampires, and they were hiding from their biggest enemies...we had just let them to find our protectors family.
As you can see, nothing is left after the war. Their enemies won, and then destroyed everything..and kill them all".
Still holding the key I turned around to see my story teller, I saw only an old black cat. He looked at me, and said " that's all my friend", them he jumped away, leaving me completely shocked!

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