Friday, September 5, 2008

the things that i hate most....

usually is my boy that completely irritate me!!XD
he knows that i hate when someone say:i know something but i cannot the you" or "i know something that you should know, but I'm not sure that i can tell you..." or "today it's happened a very funny thing but now i have no time to tell you...!!!!" or things like that: he knows that I'm too much curious and i wanna know EVERYTHING!!!!!
an other thing i hate is when someone knows that i really want something, like hugs or hear an "i love you" without a reason, just because it true, and knowing what i want however they do not hugs me, or say the 3 simple words i want..!!!!
of curse my boy is a champion in this: he never tells me something when he knows I'm waiting for it, but he usually saves himself telling me what i love hearing when can catch me completely surprise!!!!!
continuing with the things i hate he's always the best...:P : he makes me saying things when he knows it would embarrass me, and this is the reason why i never lose my smile while I'm with him, we love joking on us, on the stupid little thing we hate most...!!!XD
but why he does all the thing i hate most?? just because he says that I'm, soooooo nice when I'm angry or embarrassed...... another thing i really hate!!!!!!XD
lucky when he does one oh this things he knows when stop & that usually I smile on my stupid little HATES!!!!!! =)

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